PK Domain Registration | Buy PK Domain | HostingWalay

PK Domain Registration

Find and Get your perfect PK Domain Name before anyone else does!

Register .PK Domain Name in Pakistan with HostingWalay

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.PK Domain Availability



General Business or Individual
2 Years Price:


General Business or Individual
2 Years Price:


Network or IT Related Business
2 Years Price:


Non-profit Organizations
2 Years Price:


Educational Institutes
2 Years Price:


Family and Individuals
2 Years Price:


General Business, Promotional
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Sindh
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Punjab
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Gilgit Baltistan
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Balochistan
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Pakistan
2 Years Price:


Domains for Government of Azad Kashmir
2 Years Price:

Best Hosting



One place for all TLDs registration

HostingWalay offer multiple types of TLDs, ccTLDs, sTLDs and gTLDs for registration and transfer purpose


Instant activation with
Double Registration

Activate your domain name instantly with two years, All PK TLDs come with two years registration on same price


Free on Demand DNS Management

Get free DNS service to manage your records on our globally DNS infrastructure.


User ID = 38780 (Used for Transfer from Other Provider to HostingWalay

HostingWalay offer all PK TLDs, Find their usage and extensions below: – General Business or Individual
.pk – General Business or Individual – Network or IT Related Business – Non-profit Organizations – Educational Institutes – Family and Individuals – General Business, Promotional – for Domains for Government of Pakistan – Domains for Government of Baluchistan – Domains for Government of Gilgit Baltistan – Domains for Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Domains for Government of Punjab – Domains for Government of Sindh – Domains for Government of Azad Kashmir

At HostingWalay, Prices for all PK Domains are Rs PKR for 2 years.

All TLDs can be registered with single character e.g except .pk TLD, .PK TLD reguired atleast four characters e.g


For activation of the EDU domain, following requirements apply:

– A letter of authorization signed by the Principal/Head of the institute on institute’s original stationary letterhead (no photocopies or laser printed letterheads).

– A proof/claim of being a registered and active educational institute (i-e copy of registration documents with a government education body etc).

– A CNIC copy of the authority signing the authorization letter.

If you need any help in understanding these, our support staff is here. You can open a support request any time, just email at

Requirements by PKNIC

For activation of the GOV domain, following requirements apply:

– A letter of authorization signed by the Head of the government organization (or properly delegated authority).

– This authorization letter must be on the original official stationary/letterhead (no photocopies or laser printed letterheads).

– A CNIC copy of the authority signing the authorization letter.

If you need any help in understanding these, our support staff is here. You can open a support request any time, just email at

Requirements by PKNIC

PKNIC provides the following mechanism if you would like to change your domain’s ownership or contact information:

To unlock domain registrant information, PKNIC requires a written authority letter from the current domain registrant (domain owner, not their agent or technical contact) on their letterhead under their official seal.
For Pakistani nationals, a copy of the CNIC of the company head or director is also required. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the letter. [Sample Authorization Letter]

The domain registrant is an individual then an affidavit in the proper format is required. The affidavit must comply to the legal requirements such as stamp paper (worth Rs. 100), and attested by oath commissioner. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the affidavit. [Download Format]

You can send the authority letter by post at the address given below:
PKNIC Collection
84 Tipu Block, Garden Town
Lahore. Pakistan

Content from PKNIC Official Website

PKNIC provides the following mechanism if you would like to change your domain’s ownership or contact information:

Due to some reason, the registrant name (fully or partially) does not match with officially used emblem (i-e on company letter) then an affidavit in the proper format is also required with the official authorization letter. The affidavit must comply to the legal requirements such as stamp paper (worth Rs. 100), and attested by oath commissioner. The purpose and the details of the change required should also be specified in the affidavit. [Download Format]

You can send the authority letter by post at the address given below:
PKNIC Collection
84 Tipu Block, Garden Town
Lahore. Pakistan

Content from PKNIC Official Website

PKNIC provides the following mechanism if you would like to transfer your domain’s name to other PKNIC domain account:

People transfer domain .PK name from one service provider to another service provider due to increasing of renewal charges or due to uncomfortable support. To transfer a .PK from one service provider to another, you have to provide an authority letter to PKNIC, which comply on your current domain holder's company letter head with company stemp or seal. In addition, you have to provide one copy of your CNIC of company's Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Don't forget to mention your domain and the registrant PKNIC ID number to whom you want to transfer. We allow you to transfer your .PK in our account to get the better technical support.

You can download the Sample Authorization Transfer letter from below: [Download Format]

You can send the authority letter by post at the address given below:
PKNIC Collection
84 Tipu Block, Garden Town
Lahore. Pakistan

Content from PKNIC Official Website

PKNIC provides the following mechanism if you would like to transfer your domain’s name to other PKNIC account as individual:

You can also transfer your PK Domain from one service provider to another service personally, if you are the Individual owner of your name .PK or have PKNIC account ID. For this purpose simply write and Affidavit letter to PKNIC in which you have to provide your Full name, your .PK Name, Your CNIC Number and Your residential address. You have to explain in affidavit letter that you are the single owner. You have to mention the PKNIC Account ID of that registrant to whom you want to transfer your it. You have to comply this letter on legal paper (Stamp paper worth 100 PKR) and should be attested by the oath commissioner.

You can download the Sample Authorization Transfer letter from below: [Download Format]

You can send the authority letter by post at the address given below:
PKNIC Collection
84 Tipu Block, Garden Town
Lahore. Pakistan

Content from PKNIC Official Website